Discipleship Groups


What is a d-group?

“D-Group” is short for Discipleship group. The groups consist of 3-5 people meeting together on a regular basis for 12-18 months. Groups provide accountability and encourage spiritual growth through Bible study, prayer, and Scripture memory.


What’s the goal?

D-Groups are designed to make disciples who make disciples. At the end of 12-18 months, a D-Group will multiply by finding new members to disciple.

Being in a D-Group has helped me to grow in my relationship with Christ and be reminded of our purpose here, which is to make disciples.
— Glen Hope member

How do i join a d-group?

Want to join a D-Group? Want to start a D-Group? Contact Pastor Lewis or contact the church office to get plugged in!


“Growing Up: How to be a Disciple who Makes Disciples” by Robby Gallaty is the primary resource for people who are new to D-Groups, and new members are strongly encouraged to read it. There are copies of the book available at the church for anyone who needs one.

The Resource Guide for D-Groups includes many of the practices discussed in Growing Up and is a helpful tool for groups to use: