Reaching Our Community and Beyond
Our mission statement: “Bringing hope to our community by making and equipping disciples to worship God, serve others, and build God’s kingdom.”
We partner with Cummings High School throughout the year to share the love of Jesus through meeting various needs and building relationships with students and teachers. Some examples of our partnership include feeding the football team and band before home games, special building projects, hosting Esperanza Academy after school program and providing transportation for students, and hosting a free Prom Dinner for teachers and students.
For more information about current opportunities with Cummings, please contact the church office.
Throughout the summer we met folks in the church community who would be interested in attending church on Wednesdays and Sundays if they had transportation. We need your help! If you are interested in driving the church vans to provide transportation to these people, please reach out to Pastor Lewis or the church office.
Spring and summer calls for some help tending to our community vegetable garden! If you are interested in helping with the garden (watering, weeding, etc.) please call the church office, or see Bobby Honeycutt.
We have a food pantry to meet needs of individuals and families each month. For more information about this ministry, please contact the Church Office at (336)226-3325 or by email
On Wednesdays during the school year, children come for a meal to feed their bodies and learn about the Bible to feed their souls. The AWANA curriculum is used to teach the Bible and help kids to memorize Scriptures. AWANA stands for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed" taken from 2 Timothy 2:15.
Fostering Hope is a ministry of Glen Hope Baptist Church with the mission of helping to fill the urgent material needs of foster placements, and offering the hope & love of Christ to foster families and children in North Carolina.
4 Ways to Help:
Bring a gift of new or gently used items to help stock the free closet for foster families.
Donate money through Glen Hope and designate it for Fostering Hope (this will be listed on your contribution statement).
Donate gift cards and drop off at Glen Hope.
Go to the Fostering Hope Facebook page and follow the link to order from an Amazon Wish List. The gift delivered to Glen Hope which houses the foster closet (911 North Ave. Burlington NC, 27217)
Check out our Facebook Page to stay updated and informed and to also find ways you can help this wonderful ministry! You can also email for more info!
Thursday evenings during the school year, trained ESL teachers from Glen Hope and Iglesia Esperanza Viva work together to teach English to our neighbors. We also hope to offer a citizenship class in the summer months for those who need it. For more information or to serve in this ministry, contact Zach Whitney.
Vermont is known as the least religious state and has the lowest number of church attenders. Despite this fact, churches are being planted in Vermont and God is moving in powerful ways to awaken people to life in Christ.
Mission groups from Glen Hope have been going to Vermont to assist with evangelism and church planting for many years. For more information about this mission opportunity or to find out about the next scheduled trip, please contact the church office at
“The amazing journey of a simple shoebox gift begins with you and results in evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication.” Glen Hope packs shoeboxes every November and collects items throughout the year to send to Operation Christmas Child. For more information about Samaritans Purse and Operation Christmas Child, check out